Gardens of the Mind reserves the right to amend Terms and Conditions
Please read through these terms and conditions of enrolment, then sign the Enrolment Form to indicate that you have read, understood and agree to these terms.
Course Fees
Workshop fees are $120 per child for a full day workshop
10% discount on fees when siblings are enrolled.
Fees must be paid in full before commencement of the workshop.
Using the $100 Creative Kids Voucher
Parents who use the $100 Creative kids Voucher need to email us the following information with the enrolment form. You will need to provide Gardens of the Mind with the following information:
· Your 16 digit Creative Kids voucher number
· Your child’s date of birth (must be the same DOB you provided to get your Creative Kids Voucher)
· Your child’s name as it appears on your Creative Kids voucher
The Creative Kids Voucher cannot be claimed retrospectively once a booking has made and paid.
Cancellation and Refunds
'Gardens of the Mind' has the right to amend any course or schedule and to cancel an Art workshop due to insufficient numbers. If this is the case, a full refund will be arranged.
If a child misses an art workshop, the student will not be entitled to a ‘make-up’ workshop.
Cancellations or changes to bookings can be made up to the enrolment cut-off date (on the online booking form) and a full refund will be given.
Notification of cancellations of a booking must be made in writing via email by the parent/carer. If this is the case, Gardens of the Mind will contact the parent/ carer to organise the refund payment.
For cancellations made after the cut-off date fees are non-refundable. You may substitute a friend (or sibling) to attend the same workshop you booked for your child at no cost. Please advise us of any substitutions before the workshop commences.
Art Materials
All art materials are supplied for children’s art classes. Parents need to provide a paint shirt, this can be an old t-shirt or shirt.
Student Conduct
In order for our art workshops to be fun and safe for all participants we expect all workshop participants to be respectful of other participants, their teacher and all artworks and property. We expect students to follow our behavior guidelines (See website). If a child continually exhibits inappropriate or disruptive behaviors their parent will be notified and the child may be excluded from the workshop.
Cleaning of the workshop area is a shared responsibility.
Workshop participants are requested to be punctual for the workshop. Children’s attendance will be registered at the beginning of class and after the lunch break. Parents are required to sign their children in and out of the art workshop per day. If your child will not be attending a workshop on the scheduled day, please contact us so we are aware your child will be absent. If children are not collected within 30mins of the finish of the workshop, parents may incur a $20.00 fee.
Occupational Health and Safety
Children suffering from an infectious or communicable disease identified by the Department of Health, must not attend a Gardens of the Mind School Holiday Art workshop.
No sharing of food is allowed or sharing of drink bottles and clothing
Medical Information
Parents/ carers are requested to notify Gardens of the Mind of existing medical conditions, allergies or disabilities that may affect their child’s performance in a workshop. Parents/ carers need to inform Gardens of the Mind of the nature of the condition, symptoms, side effects and current action plans. Parents/carers are required to provide this information on the enrolment form.
If your child requires medication during the art workshop, please complete and submit the Medication Form
Parents/ carers authorise Gardens of the Mind staff, in the event of accident or illness, to obtain all necessary medical assistance and treatment for their child and to agree to meet the expenses attached to such treatment.
Photographic images will sometimes be taken of students’ artwork and their participation in a workshop. These images will be used for:
The purpose of internal promotions such as displays within your company etc.
The purpose of external promotion such as Gardens of the Mind website and social media platforms
These photos will never be sold and will only be used by ‘Gardens of the Mind’. As a condition of enrolment your consent is implied. If any parent/carer does not consent to this then please notify Gardens of the Mind in writing.
Gardens of the Mind will occasionally send mail and emails to parents for marketing purposes. If you wish not to be notified then email us and your contact details will be removed from our mailing list.
Gardens of the Mind is committed to respecting your privacy. We will collect personal information that lets us know the specifics of who you are and your personal details as you have provided to us. This data is for health, safety, insurance and security purposes. We will not disclose your information to any other group or organisation for any purpose. We will only use the personal information you have provided to us for the purpose for which you provided it. We aim to make sure that the information we hold is accurate, complete and up to date. If your personal details change, we request that you contact us, so that we can update the information we hold about you.
Gardens of the Mind does not accept any liability for personal injury, property damage or loss sustained by any participant as a result of his or her participation.